Surviving Change. On the Metamorphoses of Theatre Criticism. Duška Radosavljević (Ed.) “Theatre Criticism. Changing Landscapes”, London: Bloomsbury, 2016


  • Emma Alexandra PEDESTRU Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj


Nowadays, when thinking about the practice of theatre criticism, one tends to unknowingly equate it with the ownership of an inherited title, like that of a crown prince in a newly proclaimed republic. Both the unfortunate former future monarch and the critic hold a certain distinction, seeming unapproachable by the commoners, but not quite finding their place in the modern world. A regular theatregoer finds it just as hard to clearly define the role of the professional reviewer as any republican would to yield to the authority of a crownless king. Thus, is a shift of paradigm likely to occur? Can theatre criticism adjust to the ever-changing landscapes of theatre and, even more importantly, journalism? As it happens, the change is already taking place, right before our eyes, and it already constitutes a full-blown phenomenon, thoroughly examined in a comprehensive new book edited by Duška Radosavljević: Theatre Criticism. Changing Landscapes, published by Bloomsbury in 2016.




How to Cite

PEDESTRU, E. A. (2017). Surviving Change. On the Metamorphoses of Theatre Criticism. Duška Radosavljević (Ed.) “Theatre Criticism. Changing Landscapes”, London: Bloomsbury, 2016. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 62(2), 273–276. Retrieved from



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