The „Robinia pseudoacacia L.” seed germination and plantlets growth in septic or aseptic conditions under led light of different wavelenghts
germination, growth LEDs lighting, plantlets, Robinia pseudoacacia.Abstract
The lighting of plant vitrocultures using white LEDs expecially the ones of ultrabright type is recomended because – as resulted from the experiments performed in this study, under septic or vitroculture conditions, with Robinia pseudoacacia L. seeds and with plants resulted from these – it was shown that compared with red, yellow, green and especially blue light, under white light the organ growth and assimilating pigments synthesis was stimulated. Furthermore the endocellular substances metabolisation was also accelerated. Among other types of light emited by LEDs, only the yellow light has stimulated the increase in the values of the parameters that were investigated. This has favored, in the 40st day of germination the growth of the stemlet in the septic cultures even as high as 51% compared to the control (100% , plantlets under white light LEDs).
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