Deuterium depleted water effect on “Euphorbia canariensis” L. micropropagation


  • Adriana PETRUȘ-VANCEA University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Romania. E-mail:
  • Andrei FORDON University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Romania. E-mail:


acclimatization, chlorophylls, deuterium, Euphorbia canariensis, micropropagation.


It has been studied the effect of deuterium depleted water (DDW) (with 25 ppm D) on the culture of Euphorbia canariensis L., to transfer ex vitro. Distilled water (DW) (with 155 ppm D) from the culture medium of Euphorbia was replaced with DDW. Hypothesis of the present experiment was that presences of DDW in culture medium inhibit callus formation, stimulates rhizogenesis and optimizes ex vitro acclimatization of in vitro cultivated plantlets. After 18 months of in vitro culture - when the plantlets were transferred into soil - only those grown on medium prepared with distilled water showed an intense callusogenesis process at the level of the areolas and at the apical and basal poles. DDW stopped callus formation at this species and permitted rhizogenesis. Also, the chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids  extracted in N, N-dimethylformamide - were increased in the presence of DDW in culture medium. At the end of the acclimatization, ex vitro survival rate of the plantlets from medium prepared with DDW, increased at 92%. In vitro plantlets cultivated on DW containing medium could not be transferred into a septic medium of life due to the lack of a radicular system.

Author Biographies

Adriana PETRUȘ-VANCEA, University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Romania. E-mail:

University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Romania. E-mail:

Andrei FORDON, University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Romania. E-mail:

University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Romania. E-mail:


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How to Cite

PETRUȘ-VANCEA, A., & FORDON, A. (2015). Deuterium depleted water effect on “Euphorbia canariensis” L. micropropagation. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 60(2), 31–38. Retrieved from




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