Preliminary data regarding genetic diversity of several endangered and endemic “Dianthus” species from Romania generated by RAPD markers
Dianthus, endemic/endangered species, genetic polymorphism, RAPD markers.Abstract
Conservation of endangered and endemic species of Dianhtus from Romania, requires the investigation of genetic polymorphism in the populations. Preliminary data were obtained by molecular characterization using RAPD markers. DNA amplification with the 9 RAPD primers of the individuals belonging to different populations of D. callizonus, D. giganteus ssp. banaticus, D. glacialis ssp. gelidus, D. henteri, D. nardiformis, D. pratensis ssp. racovitzae, D. spiculifolius and D. tenuifolius revealed low level of polymorphism within and between populations. Several polymorphic RAPD markers were identified being useful for investigation of genetic diversity. Out the 9 primers studied by us, only the primer OPB-07 ensured amplification in all species and primers OPA-13, OPE-04 and 1225 showed positive results in most of the species. The primers 4A-26 and 4A-27 ensured amplification only in D. spiculifolius and the primers 4A-23 and OPM-18 gave no results in none of the species.
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