Micromorphological Characteristics of Stenoendemic Plant Species “Andryala Levitomentosa” (E.I.Nyarady) P.D. Sell.


  • Gabriel-Mihai MARIA Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro
  • Anca MANOLE Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro
  • Cristian BANCIU Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro


Andryala levitomentosa  is a stenoendemic plant species, with a very restricted distribution in an area of about 150 square meters on rocky slopes of the Pietrosul Bistriţei Mountain (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Due to the narrow distribution and small population size with such a low number of individuals, this species is included in the list of strictly protected plant species (Appendix I) of the Bern Convention, in the Carpathian List of Endangered Species, in the list of the top 50 Threatened Species of the European Flora in need of urgent conservation measures, and in European Red List of Vascular Plants. It has also been included in all the national red lists and books of endangered plant species issued after the species was discovered. This species is still subject of controversies regarding the taxonomic position, despite its discovery more than fifty years ago. Taking into account that micromorphological characteristics are of taxonomic importance this study describes some peculiarities of epidermis of aerial organs including, hairs, stomata, epidermal cells and cuticle.

Author Biographies

Gabriel-Mihai MARIA, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Anca MANOLE, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Cristian BANCIU, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro




How to Cite

MARIA, G.-M., MANOLE, A., & BANCIU, C. (2016). Micromorphological Characteristics of Stenoendemic Plant Species “Andryala Levitomentosa” (E.I.Nyarady) P.D. Sell. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 61(1), 43–44. Retrieved from https://studia.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/subbbiologia/article/view/4427


