base metals, persulfate, WPCBs, leaching, solid:liquid ratioAbstract
The present work aimed to evaluate the performances of Cu, Zn and Ni dissolution from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) obtained from mobile phones (MP) using different solid:liquid ratios (SLR) and oxidant concentration (Cox). It was found that the increase of Cox at constant SLR increases more the performances of Zn and Ni dissolution than it does for Cu. In contrast, the increase of SLR from 1:5 to 1:15 at constant Cox diminished the dissolution efficiency of Ni by 79% of Zn with 55 % and in the case Cu by 22 %. The experimental results revealed that the most favorable conditions for the dissolution of Zn, Ni and Cu are provided at the SLR of 1:5 and 0.42 M Na2S2O8.
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