oestrogens, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, structure, atrophy, vulvar hyperplasiaAbstract
The purpose of this electrone microscopy study was to identify and specify structural and ultrastructural changes occurring in the vulvar epithelium of ovariectomised female rats, as well as their reactivity to the administration of injectable oestrogens. We used 30 female Wistar white rats, distributed in four groups with 1 control group, to which oestrogenic treatment was administered. The hormone replacement therapy with injectable oestrogens (Estradiol, Estradurin, Sintofolin), at a dose of 0.2 mg/rat/day was administered for 14 days. Afterwards, all animals were sacrificed, and vulvar biopsies were taken, which were then processed using optical microscopy (the semithin section technique) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. This study showed that injectable oestrogen treatment over a period of 14 consecutive days enables the recovery of each tissue layer, with regard to the structural and ultrastructural modifications arising in ovariectomised female rats.
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