endodontic sealer, calcium silicateAbstract
Endodontic sealers are designed to be used in conjunction with semi-rigid materials during endodontic treatment, in order to obtain a three dimensional obturation of the root canal. During the last years, tricalcium silicate (C3S), due to its increased biocompatibility, and superior physicochemical properties, has been investigated as an important component of endodontic filling materials. For most materials available on the market the source of C3S alongside C2S is MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate), but obtaining C3S through synthesis is considered to be a much better alternative due to its superior purity and controlled size of the particles. In this study C3S was synthetized in nano-sized particles, by sol-gel method, from TEOS and calcium nitrate tetrahydrate without or with mineralizer NaF. A study was conducted in order to analyze the obtained powder and the hydrated samples which were prepared by mixing the powder with water in a ratio of 0.4, and cured for 28 days. The dried gels were thermally treated at 1450 ºC respectively at 1350 ºC. XRPD and TEM revealed the main presence of nanosized tricalcium silicate besides dicalcium silicate and small quantities of calcium hydroxides at both of synthesis temperatures. The hydration compounds evidenced by XRPD were calcium silicate hydrate alongside calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate. FTIR analysis evidenced the specific vibration bands for O-H and Si-O bounds in hydrated calcium silicates.
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