Acetylcholinesterase; Carbonic anhydrase; DNA protection; ICP-OES; P. quercetorum AgnewAbstract
Pelargonium quercetorum Agnew extract affects activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carbonic anhydrase I-II enzymes (hCA I-II) was investigated under in vitro conditions. IC50 values of P. quercetorum Agnew on hCA I-II and AChE activity were determined as 0.144±0.0720, 0.209±0.0593, and 0.062±0.0097 mg/mL, respectively. Rutin and shikimic acid was found to be the main phenolic component in P. quercetorum Agnew flower extract from the results of LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. Rutin was found to be the main phenolic component in P. quercetorum Agnew leaf extract from the results of LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. ICP-OES analysis showed that the leaves of P. quercetorum Agnew were rich in potassium. The DNA protective effect on plasmid DNA was demonstrated by using extracts obtained from leaf and flower tissues. Consequently, based on the findings of the current study, it could be anticipated that clinical trials related to P. quercetorum Agnew could be completed and the plant could be used pharmacologically.
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