Cu²⁺ adsorption; Oak woods ash; Mathematical correlation; Equilibrum; Kinetics; Soil amendment.Abstract
In this work it was studied the removal of copper ions from wastewater by adsorption on oak wood ash and the effect of the ash resulting from adsorption process as a soil amendment. The process variables such as pH, contact time and adsorbent dose were optimized for maximum Cu2+ removal. It was establishing the mathematical correlation between this factors and the metal ions removal efficiency using specific 3D software. Adsorption process is described by Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-first order kinetic model. The effect of the wood ash, previously used as adsorbent, as soil amendment was studied using barley crop, Hordeum vulgare L. The values of the specific parameters: germination percent, plant average length, biomass and relative growth rate proving the beneficial effect of the use of wood ash (resulted from the adsorption process) on plant growth.
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