Thermo-Catalytic Pyrolysis of Lignosulfonate from the Sulfite Process
catalytic pyrolysis, lignosulfonate, sulfite process, bimetallic catalystAbstract
This paper shows the results of thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of conditioned lignosulfonate from the sulfite process, with a specific focus on the analysis of bio-oil and biochar. The conditioning of lignosulfonate was made by drying and grinding in a planetary ball mill. Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of conditioned lignosulfonate were carried out under the same temperature and flow conditions. The use of two different catalysts produced via the impregnation method has shown distinctive effects, influencing both bio-oil yield and chemical composition. The resulting biochar exhibits characteristics comparable to non-activated carbonaceous materials, with variations in its specific surface area and pore size depending on the catalyst.
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