Hétköznapok a Lónyay Utcai Református Gimnázium „Soli Deo Gloria” Bethlen Gábor Collegiumában az 1930-as években





youth organization, Soli Deo Gloria, political issues, Calvinism


Everyday Life in the „Soli Deo Gloria” Gábor Bethlen Collegium of the Lónyay Street Reformed High School in the 1930s. The history of the Reformed youth organization called „Soli Deo Gloria” is a quite well-known part of Hungarian church history. Yet, this historical interest has avoided presenting the everyday life and work in the local communities of the „Soli Deo Gloria”. In this article, we examine the usual activities of the Gábor Bethlen Collegium of the Lónyay Street Reformed High School in the 1930s. The records of the weekly gatherings in the first half of the decade offer a unique possibility to gain a deep insight into the personal connections and dy-namics or the topics of the gatherings. The youth community discussed almost every „hot topic” of the pre-war Hungarian society such as political issues (na-tional socialism, communism, fascism, or independency and loyalty to the Habsburg dynasty) or social and theological problems. Thus, the local level of the youth organization could successfully educate a committed Christian and socially engaged new generation of intellectuals.


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VÁNYI Ferenc (1938): A Budapesti Református Gimnázium értesítője 1937–1938. évéről. Budapest.

Felhasznált irodalom

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How to Cite

SZÁSZ, L. (2022). Hétköznapok a Lónyay Utcai Református Gimnázium „Soli Deo Gloria” Bethlen Gábor Collegiumában az 1930-as években. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 67(1), 297–314. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbtref.67.1.16




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