Istenképek és istenreprezentáció


  • Dávid NÉMETH Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kara, Valláspedagógiai és Pasztorálpszichológiai Tanszék, egyetemi tanár,


image of God, God representation, need for attachment, need for self-esteem, need for control, schemas of beliefs


Personal Image of God and God Representation.

This article compares the empirical studies of God representation to the latest basic need theories. It covers the development of the personal images of God, along with history of research of the correlation between the personal images of God and the parental images. The article draws the conclusion that in the background of the development of God’s image in the sequel the birth of a complex God representation are three basic needs. The satisfaction of the basic needs for attachment, self-enhancement and control/orientation are ultimate in the development. The desire of fulfillment urges us to search for satisfaction over the horizon of our empirical reality. Along with this process, our God representation is also developing, but this representation should be corrected by the self-revealing God. God can verify our personal image of God, or rather God can reshape it, in order to our image would reflect to the true reality of God.


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How to Cite

NÉMETH, D. (2016). Istenképek és istenreprezentáció. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 61(2), 143–165. Retrieved from




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