Sensi dell’organizzazione testuale interna in Ap 21,12-14
Revelation, wall, gates, foundations, twelve, unity, internal organizationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the sense of unity and internal organization in Ap 21,12-14 as basis for a right interpretation. After establishing the authentic text through textual criticism, the analysis focuses to the internal organization of Ap 21,12-14, which can be the synthesis of the main aspects visible on the external side of the New Jerusalem: the wall, the 12 gates and the 12 foundations. The construction method of the biblical passage Ap 21,12-14 could reflect a rhetorical intention. The 12 gates, the 12 foundations and the surrounding wall with the following descriptions are indications of a secure, universal and open city that fascinates the faithful. At the same time, the internal organization of the text indicates aspects of the writing style, symbols and imagery used by the author.
Article history: Received 10.11.2024; Revised 01.11.2024; Accepted 11.11.2024.
Available online: 11.01.2025; Available print: 30.01.2025.
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