Moses; Lamb; song; Exodus; salvation; Holy Scripture; people of God.Abstract
The unity of salvation in the Song of Moses and of the Lamb (AP 15,2-4). This paper deals with some ecclesiological and scriptural features of the hymn sang by the victors of the new exodus in Rev 15,2-4. The dominant ideas are the unity and continuity between the two biblical alliances. The hymn reveals the unity between the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb, between the people led by Moses and the people led by the Lamb. The author refers to a single exodus and a single history of salvation. Another reflection considers the Scriptural quote contained in Rev 15,2-4. In this way comes the question of the use of sacred Scriptures in the Apocalypse. John has in mind a unique and united Scripture describing the intervention of God’s deliverance to lead his chosen ones into the new Jerusalem.
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