Temple, court, God’s people, worshippers, ecclesiology.Abstract
Symbolical aspects of the images of God’s people in Rev. 11:1-2. The first verses of Revelation 11 are very important in order to understand the message of the central chapters of the book. The following pages aim to discover the significance of the main concepts in Revelation 11:1-2 and to highlight the symbolical images of God’s people. The work has as starting point the decoding of the biblical symbols used by the author. Not only the presence of symbolism, but we have to keep in mind the special use of Old Testament in Revelation. By using the biblical sources, John creates complex and innovative images. Finally, in order to establish the significances, it is important to take in consideration the temporal and topographic indications. The semantically analysis of the text is followed by some theological ideas concerning the people of God and their relationship with the old covenant and the worship.References
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