The Possibilities of Dialogue on the Filioque in the Context of the Current Situation of Orthodoxy
Orthodoxy, Filioque, Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue, Theological Controversy, Nationalism in Orthodoxy, Ecumenical RelationsAbstract
This article examines the theological and historical implications of the Filioque doctrine within the context of contemporary Orthodox- Catholic dialogue, emphasizing its relevance amid the current challenges facing Orthodoxy, including ecclesiastical and political divisions. It traces the evolution of the Filioque controversy, highlighting key theological contributions from Orthodox scholars such as Vladimir Lossky and Dumitru Stăniloae and their perspectives on Orthodoxy’s identity. The paper discusses the Filioque’s impact on ecumenical efforts, noting the divergence in approaches between Orthodox and Western traditions. Furthermore, it explores the influence of nationalism and geopolitical conflicts, particularly the Russian-Ukrainian war, on inter-Orthodox relations and their effect on broader ecumenical dialogues. The article concludes by proposing that while institutional dialogue may be hindered by these crises, academic and theological exchanges remain vital for fostering understanding and advancing unity.
Article history: Received 10.11.2024; Revised 01.11.2024; Accepted 11.11.2024.
Available online: 11.01.2025; Available print: 30.01.2025.
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