The 1938 Eucharistic Congress in Budapest was held in a complicated historical context, marked by geopolitical changes, the rise of national-socialism and anti-Semitism, and by interconfessional tensions. After an overview of the theological significance of the Eucharistic Congress in a period when the ideas of the liturgical movement were gaining momentum, this paper proposes a nuanced assessment of the Congress, acknowledging the tensions that have overshadowed it. The paper also discusses the significance of the event for Catholics of Latin and Eastern rite, including some reflections on the participation of Roman and Greek Catholics from Transylvania (Romania). In the wake of the 52nd Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, this historical overview allows for some lessons for today. As Pope Francis stressed at the concluding Mass of the 2020 Congress [on 12 September 2021], the past needs to be confronted and the looming threat of hatred requires vigilance. Triumphalism should leave place to a life of service and fraternity, drawing its source from the Eucharist.References
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