Conciliarity in the World Council of Churches Texts. Intersections, Interactions, Specific Emphases


  • Korinna ZAMFIR Department of Biblical Studies and Ecumenical Theology, Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:



Conciliarity, synodality, WCC, Faith and Order, Catholic Church, Th Nature and Mission of the Church, The Church: Towards a Common Vision, episkopé, primacy, sensus fidei


The Synod of Bishops on Synodality has placed the church as a synodal community at the core of Catholic theological reflection. The conciliar or synodal nature of the church is also a topic of ecumenical dialogue. This essay surveys the theme of conciliarity in some WCC texts over the past 50 years, arguing that discussions of conciliarity reflect the interrelation between contemporary ecclesial events and theological developments. This diachronic analysis also indicates that while for two decades conciliarity has been regarded as a hopeful model for achieving communion and collaboration between the churches, the concept has gradually lost its appeal. The twin concept of synodality emerged in the latest ecclesiological convergence texts with a different focus. The study reveals the shift from an understanding of conciliarity centred on the people of God and baptism to one increasingly focusing on ordained ministry. At the same time, the topic of synodality, which remerged recently in Catholic theology, indicates the reception of some ideas developed in ecumenical dialogue.


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How to Cite

ZAMFIR, K. . (2023). Conciliarity in the World Council of Churches Texts. Intersections, Interactions, Specific Emphases. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 68(2), 6–32.




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