


Russo-Ukrainian war, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, peacebuilding, reconciliation.


This article shows how war is restructuring the configuration of religious life in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Following a short introduction, which documents churches’ initial reactions to the war, I focus on three issues. First, I examine the ways in which the war exacerbates existing tensions within Ukrainian Orthodoxy, echoing the divide within world Orthodoxy. Second, I analyse the challenges faced by Ukrainian Catholics in relation to the Holy See’s position on the war, which is marked by neutrality and a propensity towards nonviolence. Third, I delineate a few trajectories, which could allow churches to be more proactive in playing a role in peacemaking and future reconciliation.

Article history: Received 17.04.2023; Revised 05.2023; Accepted 05.2023; Available online: 07. 06. 2023. Available print: 30. 06. 2023

Author Biography

Pavlo SMYTSNYUK, Princeton University; Ukrainian Catholic University.

Researcher in Hellenic Studies and Religion at Princeton University. From 2019–2022, he was the Director of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies and a Senior Lecturer at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Email:


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