Security Challenges for Ukrainian Orthodoxy During the Russian-Ukrainian War


  • Liudmyla FYLYPOVYCH Department of Religious Studies, H. S. Skovoroda Philosophy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Email:



Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), inter-Orthodox conflict, state-church relations, Russian-Ukrainian war, Law On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Sphere of Religious Organisations


The article looks at the rapid changes taking place in the Orthodox environment of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war, exploring the main challenges for Ukrainian Orthodoxy and the issue of the religious security of Ukraine. It discusses the Law “On the Protection of the Consti- tutional Order in the Sphere of Religious Organisations” adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament on August 20, 2024, and the tensions within Ukrainian Orthodoxy, notably from the perspective of the relations between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), and the position of the UOC towards the Russian Orthodox Church.

Article history: Received 10.11.2024; Revised 01.11.2024; Accepted 11.11.2024.

Available online: 11.01.2025; Available print: 30.01.2025.


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How to Cite

FYLYPOVYCH, L. (2025). Security Challenges for Ukrainian Orthodoxy During the Russian-Ukrainian War. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 69(2), 63–80.




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