


Parish ministry, chaplaincy, specific pastoral care, Academic Parish of Prague, Tomáš Halík, qualitative research, choice, acknowledgement


This paper examines pastoral practice of the Academic Parish of Prague in compliance with its specific character – service to people from academia. Data analysis from qualitative interviews and document-based research identified two major areas of ministry – pastoral care (ad intra) and public engagement (ad extra) – and positioned the community somewhat between a parish ministry and chaplaincy. Specifically, empirical research suggested that people opt for this parish because it acknowledges their social, spiritual and intellectual needs seriously and relevantly, and addresses its members with respect. Theologically, it maintains there is a compatibility between the parish offer and expectations of people, and argues that the parish interpreted and handled its specific mission – addressing urban and educated people – relevantly and authentically.

Author Biography

Adela MUCHOVA, Institute for Pastoral Theology, Catholic University Linz,

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Adela Muchova is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Pastoral Theology, Catholic University Linz. She graduated from University of Vienna, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, and Charles University in Prague from practical theology and humanities. Her academic interests include spiritual practice, pastoral models, church transformation, interfaith dialogue, and lay and ecclesial movements. Address: Institut für Pastoraltheologie, Katholische Privat-Universität Linz, A-4020 Linz, Bethlehemstraße 20,


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How to Cite

MUCHOVA, A. (2021). PASTORAL PRACTICE OF THE ACADEMIC PARISH OF PRAGUE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 66(1), 56–91.




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