
  • Chengedzai MAFINI Department of Logistics of Logistics in the Faculty of Management Sciences, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa. Email:
  • Daniel MEYER Senior Lecturer PhD, School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy at University of Johannesburg, South Africa.


Life satisfaction, low income group, Sharpville, Sebokeng, Sicelo


Life satisfaction within various South African contexts remains an important subject for both management and research practitioners. This importance emanates from the view that life satisfaction is an enduring indicator of both social and economic stability in any given country. This study investigated the life satisfaction of the residents of three low income residential areas in South Africa. The study was conducted by means of a quantitative research design using the cross sectional survey approach. The sample was composed of 298 individuals drawn from Sebokeng, 285 individuals drawn from Sharpville and 402 individuals from Sicelo townships, which are all located in Southern Gauteng. The results of the study showed low levels of life satisfaction in Sebokeng and Sicelo, with respondents from Sharpville showing marginally higher levels of life satisfaction. Regression analyses revealed that age, employment status and educational level predicted life satisfaction while marital status and gender did not predict life satisfaction. The study provides a comparative overview of the current trends in life satisfaction amongst township residents who are an important cohort of society in developing economies such as South Africa. Using this information, government may initiate appropriate measures to bolster the life satisfaction of low income groups.

JEL Classification: I30


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How to Cite

MAFINI, C. ., & MEYER, D. . (2016). LIFE SATISFACTION BY DEMOGRAPHY IN LOW INCOME RESIDENTIAL AREAS: EVIDENCE FROM SOUTH AFRICA. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 61(2), 31–48. Retrieved from


