Peer Review Procedure
Title of the paper:
Please evaluate the article submitted to our journal as follows:
1.Written evaluation – feedback and comments on the article
In 1-5 pages please make a comment about the paper regarding the following aspects, stating your
suggestions for paper improvement:
-Introduction and literature review
-Other comments
2.The criteria the paper should meet are: (Grade from 1 to 10)
- The title is clear and reflects the object of study
- The abstract synthesizes well the content of the article
- The introduction presents the relevance of the article for the given field and quotes the main results obtained by other authors concerning the subject
- The article contains a good overview on the previous studies from the same domain.
- The methodology in use is coherently presented and there is a fair justification for it being used.
- The source of the database is reliable (official databases, representative samples, etc)
- The scientific contribution of the paper is original for the economic theory or practice.
- The conclusions summarize clearly the results and the consequences. The limits and further perspectives are presented by the author.
- Recent and well chosen (suitable, updated) bibliography. There is a clear match between the bibliographic references from the end of the article and the ones quoted in the text. Please check if all cited papers are included in the References section, if not, please write here the names of the missing authors:
- The vocabulary used is academic, without incoherencies or grammar mistakes.
III. The recommendation for publication (please underline, colour or bold the appropriate statement):
- Accepted in the initial form
- Accepted with minor modifications
- Accepted with substantial modifications
- Rejected
- Comments for the scientific committee (not presented to the authors):
Additional instructions:
- The editorial team checks the originality of the paper and the reviewers get only the manuscripts that went through the originality check. If you have any doubts regarding the originality of the paper please inform the editorial team.
- The paper should follow the template format. In case the paper has a different format, please recommend the author to make the required changes.
- Please carefully verify the following points:
please check if the paper uses correct English (point out the mistakes and advise the author to proof read the paper it necessary)
please verify if the reference list includes all the references that appear in the text and if there are titles that do not appear in the body of the paper;
the journal aims to publish papers that are innovative and bring original empirical or theoretical results. Please advise the author to emphasize the main findings and the relevance of the results.
Please return the review by email to
Reviewers’ name: