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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript represents original work. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • All authors confirm this manuscript is devoid of plagiarism of any form (i.e., direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, or accidental plagiarism) with respect to ideas, data, words, graphic materials or other forms of communication and understand that this manuscript will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin anti-plagiarism software.
  • All authors have seen and approved the manuscript being submitted. Common agreement has been reached before submission. The corresponding author is responsible for the submission, on behalf of all co-authors. No additional authors might be added post submission, unless editors receive detailed explanation.
  • The submission files are prepared for upload: the manuscript (in Microsoft Word file format) and the declarations file.
  • The text is written in a comprehensible language and adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors:
The articles are published in English.
Before being accepted for publication, all the articles go through a double blind review process. The manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to
The manuscripts
should follow these guidelines:
(1) The text should have between 10 and 20 pages (orientation: Portrait),
not numbered, recto
only, A4 format, characters Arial 10, and spacing "Single". Margins: top & bottom: 4.8 cm, left &

right: 4 cm, header & footer: 4
.8 cm. Please see the template uploaded on the webpage.
(2) The first page (which will be eliminated in order to make the evaluation, by one of the

Advisory Board members, anonymous) must contain the title of the article, the author's name;

his/her complet
e identification information (institutional affiliation, academic title, professional
address, E
-mail) and acknowledgements or potential thanks for the technical and/or the
financial help. The title must be precise, clear and in agreement with the m
ain theme of the text.
Except the first page, the authors must make sure that they cannot be identified when reading

the manuscript.

(3) The second page will contain the title of the article and an abstract (in English) of 5
-10 lines,
which should present
the main results of the article. The summary must inform the reader about
the content of the article. The summary must be followed by the JEL Classification and by 3
keywords in English which define best the article.

(4) The text will start properly on p
age 3.
(5) In the introduction, the author must present the relevance of the article for the respective

field and must review the main results obtained by the previous literature. The conclusions

should summarize clearly the results and the consequences.

6) The presentation of the bibliographical references:
In the text the references quotes will appear between brackets, with the name and the
publication date, e.g.: (Denico, 2017).

For two co-authors they will use for example (Dixit and Stiglitz, 1977). - In the case of three or more than three authors, only the first will be mentioned, under the form (Brooks et al., 1998).
If two references have the same author and the same publication year, they will be
differentiated through letters (McFadden, 1984
a). These letters will also appear in the
bibliography. At the end of the article the references will be presented as follows:

Chernozhukov V., Hansen C., Jansson M. (2007) Inference approaches for instrumental

variable quantile regression, Ec
onomics Letters, 95 (2), 272-277
Biswas T. (1997) Decision
-making under Uncertainty, Macmillan Press, London
Chapters in books
Leventhal G.S. (1980) What should be done with equity theory? New approaches to the study of

fairness in social relations
hips. In: Gergen K., Greenberg M., Willis R. (Eds.), Social Exchange:
Advances in Theory and Research. Plenum, New York, NY, pp. 27
Homburg C., Hoyer W.D., Fassnacht M. (2000) When do retailers offer services? An analysis of

store, and store's customers' characteristics?, AMA marketing educators' winter
conference, San Antonio, TX

Working papers
Smarzynska B.K., Wei S.J. (2000) Corruption and composition of foreign direct investment: firm

level evidence, NBER Working Paper 7
969, Cambridge, MA
Quotes of personal works:
If the author(s) want(s) to make reference to one or several personal works, it is essential that

the used formulation preserve his anonymity. In the first sent version, before being accepted for

publication, if
the quotation of a personal work is absolutely necessary, the author may use the
formulation (author, 2001) both in the text and in the bibliography. The bibliographical

references will be completed after the article is accepted for publication.

(7) After
the article is accepted for publication, the final and complete version of the article must
be sent by E
-mail. The article will be written in Microsoft Word.
(8) Studia Universitatis Babe
ș-Bolyai Oeconomica requires the exclusivity of the manuscripts.
The manuscripts should be original papers and the same article must not be proposed

simultaneously to other journals.


Section default policy

Book Reviews

Book reviews are presentations of original books. They are not peer-reviewed, and do not receive doi numbers. They should not exceed 10 pages (in Studia UBB Oeconomica format).

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