


Zoom platform, utilitarian value, satisfaction, privacy risk, reuse intention.


Video communication platforms have steadily risen in popularity in the last two decades, experiencing an exponential growth beginning with 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The main goal of this study was to explore the mechanism through which antecedents represented by utilitarian value, satisfaction, and privacy risk influence the reuse intention of the Zoom communication platform. A sample of 421 Romanian persons in the 18-26 age group was formed and data were collected using an online survey. Accounting for the reflective nature of the factors considered in this study, data analysis involved covariance-based structural equation modeling done in AMOS. Findings show that while utilitarian value and satisfaction both positively affect reuse intention, privacy risk negatively influences the same behavior. Thus, researchers and practitioners can better comprehend elements determining users’ loyalty of the Zoom platform.

JEL classification: L86, M39.


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How to Cite

ROMONȚI-MANIU, A.-I. (2021). NEW INSIGHTS FOR THE ZOOM PLATFORM – MOTIVATIONS BEHIND REUSE INTENTION. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia, 66(1), 23–48.




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