
  • Lim SOON CHOW Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia. *Corresponding author,
  • Gengeswari KRISHNAPILLAI Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia,
  • Yee Lee CHONG Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia,



Restaurants, customer satisfaction, well-being, quality of life.


Foodborne illness, as reported in the news, is a persistent public health problem in Malaysia. Reports have suggested that workers in Indian Muslim food eateries in the country were observed to be unhygienic during meal preparation – raising concerns on the consequence of such exposure to diners’ overall health and well-being. Therefore, this study hopes to emphasize the determinants of diners’ satisfaction towards Indian Muslim restaurants based on their experience and expectation. The Expectation Disconfirmation Theory primarily employed in this study with an interest in developing a good understanding of issues concerning hygienic foodservices. This study also helps to highlight the priority restaurant operators should put on both food and dining satisfaction. Food marketers who are interested in customer happiness and hygiene compliance at work should benefit from this body of knowledge on diners’ satisfaction based on experience and expectation with restaurant atmospherics.

JEL Classification: L83, I310


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