
  • Remus Ionuț NAGHI Associate Professor PhD, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
  • Gheorghe PREDA Lecturer PhD, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
  • Anca Cristina DRAGOMIR Teaching assistant, PhD, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,



Internal Market Orientation, Employee Job Satisfaction, Banking Sector, Romania.


The paper aims to investigate the effect of internal market orientation and its dimensions on the employee job satisfaction. The idea of this research emerged from the extensive scientific literature that suggests the existence of a relationship between internal market orientation and employee job satisfaction. In fact, internal market orientation is conceptualized as a set of managerial behaviors that have the potential to influence employee behavior which would in turn affect customer satisfaction. The research involves a questionnaire-based survey of employees in the banking sector in Romania. The convenience sampling method was used. A total of 170 usable questionnaires were received from the employees. The measurement scales within the proposed model were evaluated for reliability and validity. The research hypotheses were tested via linear regression. The study’s empirical results suggest a positive influence of the internal market orientation and each of its three dimensions on employee job satisfaction. In order to increase the level of employee job satisfaction, the organization should systematically monitor the personal needs of every employee, to adapt every important decision taken by the managers to the individual needs that employees of different groups may have, supervisors should be interested in listening to what subordinates have to say about jobs, about the issues they have and the management of the organization must seriously consider employees’ needs, introduce policies and allocate funds to meet these needs.



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