
  • Júlia KÖPECZI KIRKÓSA Babeş – Bolyai University, Faculty of Reformed Theology, Musical Pedagogy Departement, RO–400174 Cluj-Napoca, Horea str. 7. E-mail:


Simon Boccanegra is one of Verdi’s most interesting operas. Its unusual mix between old and new elements makes it both innovative and loyal to the traditions of the 18th century. The new approach of the characters creates a completely new world, in which the person – with its psychological and emotional experiences dominates the stage. Simon Boccanegra was the inspiration behind the opera, this authentic historic figure acted as the backbone of a story, which has shocked so many people at its first premiere. In the next few pages, we will present the opera’s path from start to finish, mixing in some personal elements that will give the tale a human perspective, from the view of someone who attempts to take on such a challenging role to find herself immersed in a wonderful, historical age as well as the composing genius of Verdi.


Abbiati, Fr. Verdi I-IV, Ricordi L.c. Editura, Milano, 1959.

Alberti: Verdi intimo (Intimately Verdi), Mondadori, Milano, 1931.

Bourgeois, Jacques, Giuseppe Verdi, Editura Eminescu, Bucureşti, 1982.

Cesari – Luzio, I copialettere de G. Verdi (The Letters of Giuseppe Verdi), Stucchi Ceretti & C., Milano, 1913.

Escudier, L, Lettres inedites de G. Verdi (Unedited Letters of Giuseppe Verdi),Rivista Musicale Italiana, Milano, 1928.

Gatti, Carlo, Verdi; Mondadori, Milano, 1951.

Komár, P. – Vadas, L, Verdi vállogatott levelei (Scrisori alese de G. Verdi- Verdi’s Chosen Letters ) Zeneműkiadó Vállalat, Budapest, 1956.

Luzio, A., Carteggi verdiani, I – IV (Verdi’s Correspondence), Cogliati, Roma, 1935-47; Profili biografici e bozzetti storici II, Milano, Cogliati, 1927.

Marchesi, G, G. Verdi, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1987.

Mavrodin, A, G. Verdi, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1970.

Monaldi, G, G. Verdi, Bocca, Milano, 1951.

Morazzoni, G., Verdi, Letter Inedite (Unedited Letters of Verdi), Milano, 1929.

Pongin, A., Vita Aneddotica di G. Verdi (The Anecdotic Life of G. Verdi), Ricordi, Milano, 1881.

Solovţova, L., Giuseppe Verdi, Editura Muzicală Uniunii Compozitorilor, Bucureşti, 1960.

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Vulcan, D., Giuseppe Verdi; Editura Tineretului, Bucureşti, 1959.




How to Cite

KÖPECZI KIRKÓSA, J. (2008). SIMON BOCCANEGRA. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 53(1), 75–94. Retrieved from


