THE CONCEPTION OF THE MUSICAL FORM OF FRYDERYK CHOPIN’S PRELUDES OP. 28 - Dedicated to Fryderyk Chopin’s 200ᵗʰ Birth Anniversary -


  • Tímea KURUCZ Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of the Reformed Theology, Musical Pedagogy Department, e-mail:


Chopin, Preludes, conception, musical form, harmony, structure, biography


Fryderyk Chopin’s preludes are a set of piano miniatures. The term prelude is used in an unconventional sense. These pieces do not serve as introductions; they are freestanding works.

Chopin’s Op. 28 preludes have been compared to J. S. Bach’s preludes in the Wohltemperiertes Clavier, although they have been following a unique structure. While Bach’s pieces are arranged in ascending chromatic order, Chopin’s preludes are arranged in a circle of fifth.

Let us evoke the brief characterisation of Hugo Leichtentritt regarding these beautiful and important compositions: “The variety of moods and impressions contained in the Preludes Op. 28 is without equal in the whole of world music literature”.


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How to Cite

KURUCZ, T. (2010). THE CONCEPTION OF THE MUSICAL FORM OF FRYDERYK CHOPIN’S PRELUDES OP. 28 - Dedicated to Fryderyk Chopin’s 200ᵗʰ Birth Anniversary -. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 55(1), 59–106. Retrieved from




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