

Enescu, music, water, sea, river, symbolism, Eminescu, Blaga, Romanian spirituality


In the work of George Enescu, nature is regarded not as an intrinsic reality, but rather as an array of elements permanently interacting with the human being, giving birth to a complex connection, sometimes manifested through a harmonious communion, other times garnering dramatic dimensions. Of all the primordial elements, the symbol of water marks Enescu’s entire creation, illustrating the complexity of the relationship between man and nature: from the serene and melancholic pages of his youth, that broach the romantic genre of character miniature (barcarola), to the works characterized by a nostalgic and introspective component with a touch of memoir (in Childhood Impressions or The Villageoise Suite), all the way to the tragedy in Vox Maris – whose similarities with Oedipus require further investigation. Starting from the symbol of water, certain correspondences could be established between Enescu, Eminescu, Blaga and the Romanian spirituality.


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