
  • Mónika IVÁNYI-PAPP FLUM (Franz Liszt University of Music) Department of Musicology PhD design, Janos Wesley Theological College, Budapest and Faculty of Musical Arts, University of Music, Szeged. E-mail address: harmonique_ip@yahoo.co.uk


opera, stage works, 19th century music, couleur locale, folk play, Franz Liszt, Anton Rubinstein


On the basis of his extant correspondence, Liszt planned composing an opera with Hungarian scenes and titled it Janko, der ungarische Rosshirt (Janko, the Hungarian horse-herder). The libretto suggests that the opera fell into the category of the folk play, a short-lived popular performance of the time, concerning its subject, characters, structure and music. Although he had consulted with librettists, he did not write a single line of the opera. The history of the opera could end here, but one of his composer colleagues Anton G. Rubinstein (the Russian Liszt) composed music on the basis of the libretto and called it Kinder der Heide (Children of the Moorland). Are there historical or musical traces of handing over the libretto? Could references to Hungarian music be found in Rubinstein’s music? And, is the ‘creation’ of a mixed category, the specific class of folk opera involved?


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How to Cite

IVÁNYI-PAPP, M. (2014). “JANKO”, THE “FOLK OPERA” LISZT NEVER WROTE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 59(1), 159–202. Retrieved from https://studia.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/subbmusica/article/view/8822




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