
  • Zsombor NÉMETH Bartók Archives, Institute of Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH); Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (LFZE), Budapest, Hungary. Email:



Zoltán Kodály, Ferenc Farkas, 20th century Hungarian music, biography, influence, epigonism


A printed copy of his song cycle Fruit Basket, which Ferenc Farkas gave to Zoltán Kodály, bears the following dedication: “To Zoltán Kodály from his illegitimate pupil”. With the help of surviving written sources and other memorabilia, the present study attempts to explain the term “illegitimate pupil”. It answers the question of why Farkas did not study with Kodály, examines the relationship that later developed between the two. The influence of Kodály on Farkas as a composer is also discussed; however, only the most important examples and trends will be presented. This study also examines the actions Farkas took to cultivate Kodály’s memory after his death, and what he thought of the Kodály epigonism.


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How to Cite

NÉMETH, Z. . (2023). MASTER AND HIS “ILLEGITIMATE PUPIL”: ZOLTÁN KODÁLY AND FERENC FARKAS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 68(1), 137–173.




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