genre, tradition, genre tradition, genre adaptation, organ music, Ukrainian music, modern academical musicAbstract
Some peculiarities of genre tradition as an artistic category are considered (based on the example of a modern Ukrainian pipe organ music). It was found out that the transformation of the genres are natural process, that directed to preservate the constant traits, that are considered as genre tradition. It has been proved that in Ukrainian organ music European genre traditions are such a set of genre characteristics, that sprout in new organ pieces and reflect the total “organ experience” of European composers. Genre traditions of organ music have external and internal aspects, that come out on structural and functional-dynamic levels. Due to this, genre can be presented as dialectic sum of unchangeable and changeable features. It was revealed that considering the genre tradition as a constant category it can be characterized in three pair of attributes – cult and secular, retrospective and perspective, national and international. The infusion of the primary genre in new minds is accompanied by a waste of power and real contextual links, which are saved in the memory of the genre and are manifested by composers in form of allusions. The embodiment of ancient organ music genre traditions in the new conditions is accompanied by the loss of its real contextual connections and intensification of association links. Considering genre tradition as a dynamic fenomena of European organ art we identificate three types of genre traditions’ interaction – interference, interpolation and inclusion. These ways ensure the productive prolongation of genres in the conditions of modern organ music creativity. The prospects of research of genre tradition as artistic category open ways to the comprehension of the modern musiс’s principles.References
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