National music style, piano music, Chinese piano music, Chinese national piano style, sound image of the instrument, Chinese national sound image of the piano.Abstract
“Two Poem Classics of the Tang Dynasty” by Xu Zhenmin is a bright example of the Chinese national piano style. We analyze its main features using S. Tyshko’s theory of national style and the concept of the sound image of the instrument by L. Gakkel as the theoretical and methodological basis of our research. We introduce and define the concept of the national sound image of the instrument. Chinese piano music is characterized by the purposeful activity of composers both in stylistic adaptation and in stylistic generation. The European historical and stylistic sound images of the piano are adapted and act as the “foreign” material. The “native” material is generated both from folk and traditional Chinese music, its mode, intonation, and instrumental specifics, as well as from the rich artistic, philosophical and historical heritage of China.
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