A class of diffusion problem of Kirchhoff type with viscoelastic term involving the fractional Laplacian


  • Eugenio Cabanillas LAPA Instituto de Investigacio´n-FCM-UNMSM, Lima, Peru, e-mail: cleugenio@yahoo.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8941-4394
  • Zacarias L. HUARINGA SEGURA Instituto de Investigacio´n-FCM-UNMSM, Lima, Peru, e-mail: zhuaringas@unmsm.edu.pe
  • Juan B. BERNUI BARROS Instituto de Investigacion-FCM-UNMSM, Lima, Peru, e-mail: jbernuib@unmsm.edu.pe
  • Eduardo V. TRUJILLO FLORES Instituto de Investigacion-FIARN-UNAC, Lima, Peru, e-mail: evtrujillof2005@yahoo.es https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3087-6604




Kirchhoff-type diffusion problem, fractional Laplacian, local existence, Galerkin method.


This work is concerned with a class of diffusion problem of Kirchhoff type with viscoelastic term and nonlinear interior source in the setting of the fractional Laplacian. Under suitable conditions we prove the existence of global solutions and the exponential decay of the energy.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35K55, 35R11, 35B44, 35Q91.


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How to Cite

LAPA, E. C., HUARINGA SEGURA, Z. L., BERNUI BARROS, J. B., & TRUJILLO FLORES, E. V. (2020). A class of diffusion problem of Kirchhoff type with viscoelastic term involving the fractional Laplacian. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 65(4), 543–559. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbmath.2020.4.05




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