Generalizations of an asymptotic stability theorem of Bahyrycz, Páles and Piszczek on Cauchy differences to generalized cocycles




Cauchy-differences, generalized cocycles, asymptotic and hyper stabilities.


We prove some straightforward analogues and generalizations of a re- cent asymptotic stability theorem of A. Bahyrycz, Zs. P´ales and M. Piszczek on Cauchy differences to semi-cocycles and pseudo-cocycles introduced in a former paper by the present author.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 39B52, 39B82, 20K99, 22A99.


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How to Cite

SZÁZ, Árpád. (2018). Generalizations of an asymptotic stability theorem of Bahyrycz, Páles and Piszczek on Cauchy differences to generalized cocycles. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 63(1), 109–124.




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