Starlikeness and related properties of certain integral operator for multivalent functions


  • Ram Narayan MOHAPATRA Department of Mathematics University of Central Florida Orlando, FL. 32816, USA, e-mail:
  • Trailokya PANIGRAHI Department of Mathematics School of Applied Sciences, KIIT University Bhubaneswar-751024, Orissa, India, e-mail:



p-valent starlike, convex and close-to-convex functions, strongly starlike function, convolution, integral operator.


In this paper, the authors introduce a new general integral opera- tor for multivalent functions. The new sufficient conditions for the operator Jp,γ,g (f1, f2, ..., fn) when γ = 1 is determined for the class of p-valently star- like, p-valently close-to-convex, uniformly p-valent close-to-convex and strongly starlike of order δ (0 < δ 1) in U. Our results generalize the results of Frasin [7].

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 30C45.


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How to Cite

MOHAPATRA , R. N., & PANIGRAHI , T. (2017). Starlikeness and related properties of certain integral operator for multivalent functions. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 62(1), 77–87.




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