Corps de sorcières, entre horreur et beauté. De la peinture au cinéma, avatars d’une tradition iconographique


  • Ioan POP-CURŞEU Université Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca;


Bodies of Witches, between Horror and Beauty. From Painting to Cinema, Avatars of an Iconographic Tradition. This paper tries to investigate an important topic of European culture, since the Greek-Latin tradition to the nowadays cinematography: the body of the witch. Between the beauty of Circe and the ugliness attributed by Horace to the witch, a line is drawn which will reappear with a great force during the witch hunts at the beginning of the modern era (15th-18th centuries). Thus, the physical descriptions made at this period put and emphasis on the extraordinary beauty of the witch or on her monstrous ugliness. First of all, the iconographic scheme will be interrogated in painting, from the Renaissance (Hans Baldung Grien, Dürer, Lucas Cranach) and the baroque (Salvator Rosa, Frans Francken II) to the 19th century (Luis Ricardo Falero). Afterwards, on the basis of the obtained data, an analysis is proposed, in respect to some fantasy or horror movies, showing the importance of the system of aesthetical opposition between beauty and ugliness, with the help of the analytical methods of comparative iconography and of some insights from classical psychoanalysis.

Author Biography

Ioan POP-CURŞEU, Université Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca;

IOAN POP-CURŞEU (b. 4.02.1978, Ocna-Mureş) is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. He has defended his first Ph.D. at the University of Geneva in 2007 (De l’homme hyperbolique au texte impossible: théâtralité, theatre(s), ébauches de pièces chez Baudelaire), and the second at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca in 2011 (Magic and Witchcraft in Romanian Culture). In 2015, he defended his habilitation dissertation at Babeş-Bolyai University. His research interests are concerned with film aesthetics, art criticism and image theory, nineteenth-century literature and culture, as well as anthropological aspects of magic and witchcraft. He is the author of several books: Nu ştie stânga ce face dreapta. Două eseuri despre şovăielile gândirii critice (2004), Baudelaire, la plural (2008), Vasile Bologa (1859-1944), studiu monografic (2010), Magie şi vrăjitorie în cultura română. Istorie, literatură, mentalităţi (2013), Manual de estetică (2014). He wrote dozens of articles on various themes, writers and films…


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How to Cite

POP-CURŞEU, I. (2015). Corps de sorcières, entre horreur et beauté. De la peinture au cinéma, avatars d’une tradition iconographique. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 60(1), 119–130. Retrieved from




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