Reclaiming Public Culture as a Common Terrain of Action in the Public Interest

A Dialogue with Raluca Iacob


  • Livia PANCU Curator for visual arts and co-director of, part of the international network, contact:


Raluca Iacob is a cultural manager, a cultural policy analyst and an independent researcher, president of MetruCub – resources for culture Association. Among others, she coordinated the formulation of the cultural strategy of the city of Timișoara for 2014-2024 (together with Vera Marin and commissioned by the Municipality of Timișoara) and, as councillor to the minister of culture in 2016, the design of the national strategy for culture and heritage. Other relevant collaborations with: the Center for Consultancy for European Cultural Programmes, the Romanian Academic Society, the Romanian Federation of Community Foundations and the European Network of Cultural Centres. Currently she is interested in practices and policies of culture in education, in alternative models of cultural governance and in cultural networks.

Author Biography

Livia PANCU, Curator for visual arts and co-director of, part of the international network, contact:

Livia PANCU (*1980) is a curator based in Iași. She is the co-director of, coordinating the Iași branch of the network. She has been involved in the field of contemporary art in Iași since 2003, acting in it from various positions. She graduated from the Royal College of Art in London (2007-2010), where she studied in the Curating Contemporary Art program under the supervision of Mark Nash. Currently she is part of the international project Conditions of Peace, realized with colleagues “that have identified the lack of a vision of peace and the constant reproduction of social relations that result in war as the main factors threatening Europe today.” She lives and works in Iași.




How to Cite

PANCU, L. (2022). Reclaiming Public Culture as a Common Terrain of Action in the Public Interest: A Dialogue with Raluca Iacob. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 67(1), 191–201. Retrieved from


