Les Enfants perdus de Neverland (Quelques considérations sur J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan et… Michael Jackson)


  • Delia NAN Psychanalyste, membre fondatrice FCL Roumanie, membre EPFCL France. Email: nan.delia3@gmail.com




Peter Pan, psychosis, fantasy, children, Michael Jackson.


The Lost Children of Neverland (Considerations about J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan and... Michael Jackson). This paper proposes a journey into the childhood and youth of J. M. Barrie (the death of an older brother, the relationship with his grieving mother, his unusual marriage), trying to discover the psychoanalitical events that led to the birth of Peter Pan, as well as the true dimensions of his phantasy universe. And nonetheless the surprising influence that this universe had over such an unusual character called Michael Jackson.

Author Biography

Delia NAN, Psychanalyste, membre fondatrice FCL Roumanie, membre EPFCL France. Email: nan.delia3@gmail.com

Delia Nan (b. 1960) graduated The “Ion Vidu” Arts Highschool in Timișoara (piano class). She graduated The University of Medicine in the same town. She later became specialist in Infectious Diseases and worked at “Victor Babeș” Hospital for almost 30 years. During her medical activity she studied Orthodox Theology and graduated it in 1999. Since 2011 she has been working on psychoanalysis. She is a founding member of FCL-Romania and a member of EPFCL-France. Last but not least, she is a psychoanalyst in Timișoara.


Barrie, J. M. Peter Pan. Bath Treasury of Children’s Classic, 2019.

Freud, Sigmund. Un souvenir d’enfance de Léonard de Vinci. Paris : Gallimard, 1977.

Inglin-Routisseau, Marie-Hélène. « Alice : une petite fille écrite, une écriture sans destin ». Le Bulletin Freudien, no. 46/ 47 (Mars 2006) : 55-64.

Janssen, Christophe, « J. M. Barrie : la mort d’un frère et travail du négatif », Cahiers de psychologie clinique, n° 27, 2 (2006) :123-140.

Kelley-Lainé, Kathleen. « Peter Pan, la mère morte et la création du double pathologique », Imaginaire et Inconscient, n° 7 (2002) : 87-96.

Le Quellec, Jean-Loïc, Bernard Sergent. Dictionnaire critique de mythologie. Paris : CNRS Éditions, 2017.

https://www.jmbarrie.co.uk/ (site contenant des ressources précieuses sur l’auteur de Peter Pan et sur son œuvre ; consulté en février 2021).




How to Cite

NAN, D. (2021). Les Enfants perdus de Neverland (Quelques considérations sur J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan et… Michael Jackson). Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 66(1), 233–243. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbdrama.2021.1.13


