Application of dry cell battery dust to cultivated fluted pumpkin („Telfairia occidentalis”) as a pest management strategy: implications for both the plant and the consumer’s health
dry cell car battery, heavy metal, hyperaccumulation, phyto¬accumulation, Telfairia occidentalis.Abstract
The study investigated the possible impact of dry cell car battery dust (DCD) on production of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis). The study aims to investigate the possible implication of the application of DCD to fluted pumpkin as pest practice by some farmers in the study area. Therefore, the experiment included three different treatments: the first examined the effect of DCD on the plants after they were sown in DCD-polluted soils (DSBS); while the second was the investigation of plants on which DCD was applied after 2 weeks after sowing (DPAS). The third group was the control, wherein DCD was applied to neither plant nor soil. Results showed that plant yield, expressed in the study as the number of leaves per plant and leaf size, was better with those plant on which DCD was applied after plant establishment (32 – 48 leaves, leaf area 98.5 – 126.5 cm2) compared with the control (13 leaves, leaf area 43.1 cm2). Leaves in the control as well as the DSBS plants were characterized with brown spots, chlorosis, necrotic spots as well as evidence of insect pest attack. No visible sign of insect or pest attack was noticeable in the DPAS plant leaves. Although there was no significant change in proximate content of the leaves of both DCD-treated plant and the control, the leaves of DCD-impacted plants however accumulated significantly higher amounts of Pb (40.25 – 77.17 mg/kg) and Zn (13.35 – 45.87 mg/kg) than the control.
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