Biorecovery of a Model Oil-Polluted Soil after Exposure to Solutions of Typical Salts Found in Irrigation Water
biorecovery, bioremediation, hydrocarbon, irrigation, salinity.Abstract
The enhanced biorecovery of a model oil-polluted soil by soil wetting with solutions of typical salts found in irrigation waters was investigated. Garden soil was sampled from a selected location of predetermined weed composition for the purposes of determining soil seed bank composition. The air-dried soil was immediately polluted with spent lubricating oil (SLO) to obtain a constant 5% w/w concentration of oil in soil and emptied into wide bowls of 65 cm diameter, and 32 cm in height and set up in a screen house. Aliquots of 2.5 g of each Ca2SO4, (SCA) MgSO4, (SMG) Na2SO4 (SNA) and K2SO4 (SKA) were weighed into distilled water to obtain constant 0.025 g/l salt solution. Distilled water served as the control (CTR). The oil-polluted soils were wetted with 1500 ml of control or salt solution. The experiment lasted for three months, after which study showed that there was reduction in total poly Aromatic volatile Hydrocarbon (24111.44 ppm) at the start of the experiment to 5.54 ppm. Compared to the control experiment, reduction in the total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), reduction in TPH was highest in SNA, being 97.02% remediation efficiency, compared to 72.44% in the SNS treatment. Bacterial species identified during the study included Corynebacterium kutsceri, Streptococcus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Bacillus lichenifomis and Staphylococcus spp., whereas fungi species included Penicillium spp., Aspergillus niger, and Fusarium spp. The abundance of the weed Mariscus alterenifolios in SCA (24), SMG (13), and CTR (20) may indicate a favoured environment for growth. Regeneration efficiency (RE) of weeds in the treated and control soils 62.5% by Anelima aequinotiale in CTR, 50% in SCA, and 12.5% in SNA.
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