“In Vitro” Organogenesis of “Amaranthus Retroflexus” L. with Biotechnological Applications in Glycerol Degradation


  • Cristian BANCIU Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro
  • Anca MANOLE Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro
  • Gabriel-Mihai MARIA Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro


Glycerol is a secondary product from biodiesel production that is transformed in other useful compounds for polymer industry. The two enzymes that are involved in this process are lipase and decarboxylase.

Our experiments used a very robust plant species (Amaranthus retroflexus), that grows on different types of substrate and in a variety of stress conditions (drought, frost, flooding, etc.) to test its survival on culture media with carbon source replaced by glycerol. After aseptic seed germination, plantlets were grown on a calus induction culture medium Gamborg (MS basal medium enriched with NAA and Kinetin). The non-morphogenetic calus obtained was cultivated on four variants with ascending the quantity of glycerol replacing the sucrose as a carbon source.

The survival and the growing rate of the caluses are factors that induce the conclusion of succesful degradation of glycerol by A. retroflexus. Further biochemical analyses will reveal the biodegradation pathways and the secondary compounds production.

Author Biographies

Cristian BANCIU, Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Anca MANOLE, Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Gabriel-Mihai MARIA, Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro

Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. E-mail: cristi.banciu@ibiol.ro




How to Cite

BANCIU, C., MANOLE, A., & MARIA, G.-M. (2016). “In Vitro” Organogenesis of “Amaranthus Retroflexus” L. with Biotechnological Applications in Glycerol Degradation. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 61(1), 39–40. Retrieved from https://studia.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/subbbiologia/article/view/4425


