Plantago major, heavy metal, soil, enrichment factorAbstract
The enrichment and accumulation of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni) in Plantago major leafs was comparatively studied in an urban (Cluj-Napoca) and a post-industrial area (Baia-Mare) from Romania. These two sites were selected for study as in Cluj-Napoca, the dominant metal pollution sources are related to traffic, urban runoff, residential heating and municipal landfill, while in Baia-Mare the main pollution sources are the former ore processing activities and the remaining metal rich mining wastes. The average concentrations of Zn and Pb were higher in the soils collected from the post-industrial area, while the Cr and Ni in those from the urban area. The Cu, Cd, Cr and Ni in plantain leafs were comparable in both areas, while Pb and Zn were higher in the post-industrial area. Based on the enrichment factor and the metal accumulation index, plantain was found to be tolerant to high metal contents and moderate accumulator of Cu and Zn.
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