emulsion, quality indicator of cosmetic creams, mathematical model.Abstract
The quality of a cosmetic cream is evaluated by classical methods in specific authorized laboratories by periodically measuring the physico-chemical and microbiological quality indicators of the basic emulsions. This paper aims to use systems theory to study cosmetic emulsions by establishing mathematical models that correlate the existing dependencies between different quality indicators. The main parameters that allow the quantification of the stability of the emulsions were monitored in time: the evaporation residue, the pH, the total number of germs, staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa and the concentration of the active ingredients. Mathematical models were obtained with adequacy indicators that meet the requirements of a good approximation and that can be used as models for control and prediction of stability in the short and medium term, for the types of creams based on the recipes of the emulsions studied.References
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