Az erőszak, a dominanciaigény és az áldozatállító hatásmechanizmus individuális és társadalmi vonatkozása
Néhány teológiai antropológiai szempont
demand for freedom, lex talionis, collective aggression, scapegoat mechanism, victim, sacrificeAbstract
The Individual and Social Aspects of Violence, the Desire for Dominance, and the Mechanisms of Victimization. Some Anthropological Perspectives. Where does violence come from? Is it an inherent or a learned trait? Has there always been this much violence? What role does the Church play in this context? These are all questions to which we continually seek and manage to provide partial answers. The theological-anthropological perspective is just one of them. We also turn to sociological, philosophical, anthropological, and psychological viewpoints to formulate a complex answer by examining the intersections of these disciplines to understand the source of this corruption in human nature.
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