Zwingli’s Role in the Reformation of Berne




Protestant Reformation, Ulrich Zwingli, Reformation of Bern, Reformation of Zurich, Berchtold Haller, Johannes Oecolampadius


The goal of this paper is to discuss Zwingli’s role in the Reformation of Bern. Firstly, the earliest period of Berne’s reformation is discussed, including the priority of Luther’s influence on the city. Then those channels are discussed by which Zwingli practised a leading role in the city’s evangelical movement; namely his writings relating to Berne and his extended correspondence. By Zwingli’s correspondence, those persons are introduced who nourished close re-lationship with the Zurich reformer, especially Berchtold Haller. Finally, Zwingli’s role at the Disputation of Berne and in the consolidation of the Bernese Reformation is examined.


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How to Cite

LÁNYI, G. (2021). Zwingli’s Role in the Reformation of Berne. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 66(1), 113–130.




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