Resurrection and Resurrections. Some Insights into Matthew 27:51-54


  • Alexandru MIHĂILĂ Archdeacon and Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Justinian Patriarhul”, University of Bucharest. Email:



Resurrection, interpretation, Old Testament, Judaism, Pharisees, Sadducees


After Christ’s death upon the cross, the gospel of Matthew is the only one that preserved a tradition about the opening of the graves and the resurrection of the saints (Mt 27:51-54). According to context, this resurrection of the Old Testament saints diverges from the concept of Christ as the beginner of the general resurrection. The article scrutinises the history of interpretation in patristic literature, modern commentaries, and the ideas of resurrection in early Judaism and Christianity. The author argues that here the gospel may preserve an ancient tradition about the victory of the Messiah which was further corrected to converge with the post-easter tradition about Jesus who was resurrected after three days.


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How to Cite

MIHĂILĂ, A. (2023). Resurrection and Resurrections. Some Insights into Matthew 27:51-54. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 68(2), 95–107.




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