BOOK REVIEW: Bosko I. Bojovic – "L'Eglise Orthodoxe Serbe. Histoire – spiritualite – modernite", Institute des Etudes Balkaniques, Belgrade, 2014, 372 p.


  • Maxim MORARIU Hieromonk, Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, Orthodox Metropoly of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj, Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj. Email:


The history of the Serbian Orthodox Church is not very well known in the Romanian space. Some pages from the works about the history of the universal Church published by authors like Father Ioan Rămureanu , Father Nicolae Chifăr , Father Vasile Muntean or Father Mircea Păcurariu show some aspects of it (especially from the medieval period, when this Church had also a Patriarch) and some works present the relationships between this Church and the Romanian Orthodox Church . However, these works only give a general vision (and not always a complete one) about the history of this important ecclesiastic institution. This is the reason why, in this essay, we will try to present the work of the Serbian historian Bosko I. Bojovic, published in 2014 at the Institute for Balkan Studies in French, which offers a complete presentation of the multi-millenarian Serbian Orthodox Church in a well-known language. The author, who works as research manager at the aforementioned institute, being also a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Professor at the Belgrade University and an Associate Professor at Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, already enjoys good recognition amongst contemporary researches. His works, in which he analyses the History of the Byzantine Empire, the one of the Ottoman one and the History of the Balkans are therefore well known.




How to Cite

MORARIU, M. . (2016). BOOK REVIEW: Bosko I. Bojovic – "L’Eglise Orthodoxe Serbe. Histoire – spiritualite – modernite", Institute des Etudes Balkaniques, Belgrade, 2014, 372 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 61(1), 255 – 256. Retrieved from



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